The Black Vote

Where Black Voters Live & Breathe

5 quick facts about the geographic dispersion of St. Petersburg’s African American electorate

– By Gypsy C. Gallardo

The following facts will be well-known for some, but surprising to those of us not up-to-speed since City Council districts were redrawn in 2012. The process led to major changes in representation for African Americans.

Here are 5 facts about the geographic concentration and distribution of St. Petersburg’s African American electorate.

#1 Only one of St. Petersburg’s eight City Council district’s is majority-black

District 7 is currently the only City Council district where African Americans are a majority of voters (64% of persons registered to vote, and 65% of those who actually voted in the 2013 Mayoral contest). Next in line is District 5, followed by District 6.

  % of Actual  Voters in 2013 % of Registered Voters in 2013
District 1 1.4% 2.5%
District 2 5.9% 9.2%
District 3 1.1% 1.9%
District 4 2.3% 4.0%
District 5 38.6% 42.9%
District 6 29.5% 37.4%
District 7 64.7% 63.6%
District 8 5.4% 6.9%
17.7% 20.9%

#2 Black voters are overwhelmingly concentrated in Districts 5, 6, and 7

In St. Petersburg’s most recent Mayoral election (2013), a full 90% of black votes came from Districts 5, 6, and 7. [“D” stands for District in the graphic below]

#3 District 7 has the highest black vote count

District 7 (currently represented by City Councilmember Lisa Wheeler-Bowman) has the largest black voting base in the city (over 12,000 strong, in terms of registered voters in 2013).

[* The asterisk symbol in the table below denotes the highest registered voter count, actual vote count and voter turnout rates for African Americans]

  Registered to Vote Actually Voted in 2013 Voter Turnout In 2013
District 1 500 107 21.4%
District 2 1,573 267 17.0%
District 3 409 99 24.2%
District 4 784 158 20.2%
District 5 8,794 3,089 *35.1%
District 6 7,189 1,912 26.6%
District 7 *12,022 *3,518 29.3%
District 8 1,275 305 23.9%
TOTALS: 32,546 9,455 29.1%

#4 District 5 has the highest black voter turnout rate

Although District 7 has the largest base of African Americans registered to vote, and the largest black vote count in the 2013 election, it is District 5 (currently represented by Councilmember Steve Kornell) that had the highest black voter turnout rate in 2013.

The black turnout rate for Kornell’s district was 35.1% in 2013, compared to 34.2% for white voters citywide. [See table above]

#5 Black voters are less than 10% of the electorate in most City Council districts

Black voters claim under 10% of the electorate in five of the eight St. Petersburg City Council districts. In District 3, currently represented by City Councilmember Ed Montanari, only 1% of voters were black in the 2013 general election.

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