– By Gypsy C. Gallardo
Just six days out from the primary election, Mayor Rick Kriseman has edged ahead of Baker in the black vote for the first time, according to yesterday’s FloridaPolitics.com poll (its last of the cycle), which polled over 1,500 likely voters, the largest sample size yet.
The black vote split now stands at 40% Kriseman versus 39% Baker.
Other black vote shifts shown in this new poll, compared to the August 7th take: Jesse Nevel inched up to just under 4% (from 2.4%); Theresa Lassiter fell two points to 4% (from 6%); and Paul Congemi dropped to 1.4% (from 8%). Anthony Cates continues to hover in the same range (1.4% this time versus 1.8% in the last poll).
The biggest reveal: the black undecided group more than doubled in size to nearly 11% (up from 5.4% two weeks ago).
In the white vote, Kriseman picked up about a point and a half to 40% while Baker gained a half a point to 49%. Nevel edged up here as well, by a fifth of a point, while Cates, Congemi and Lassiter each lost about a half a point with white voters.
Overall, among all voters combined, Baker remains out front by the same 6.4% he held in the August 7th poll (Baker 46.7% to Kriseman’s 40.3%).
See full report by StPetePolls and analysis by Peter Schorsch for Saintpetersblog.
Here’s is a tabular summary of changes since the last poll:
Kriseman moving ahead of Baker among black voters was before President Obama endorsed Kriseman. I expect more black and white Democrats to come home to their progressive roots by voting for Kriseman.
Given Kriseman’s willful and negligent handling of the sewer management affair, it’s clear that he must go. Think about the over $300M settlement that was made to get Kriseman cleared of criminal charges. Anyone who reads the Florida Fresh Water and Game Commission report can only be left with the impression that Kriseman belongs in jail.