-By Gypsy C. Gallardo
It’s incredible that 18% of likely black voters are still undecided in St. Pete’s mayoral race, according to the newest and final poll over the weekend by FloridaPolitics.com.
That’s almost one-fifth of African American voters who haven’t made up their mind!
It’s more than four times the share of white voters who are still up in the air as of now (only 4% of them)!!
We must ask ourselves why so many black folks are in limbo with only hours left on the election clock.
Watch for an avalanche of post-mortem commentary on Facebook this week.
The black vote can still break either way – The latest poll had Kriseman ahead in the black vote by 16% (49% Kriseman to 33% Baker). But that lead can easily evaporate if A) people don’t actually follow through with ballots for Kriseman and B) Baker comes on strong to claim those last-minute black voters.
If the black vote shifts to Baker by 10 points, Baker wins citywide – Right now, Baker is winning the white vote by nearly 4 points and white voters are 77% of the city’s voting base. Any slackness in Kriseman’s black turnout, and tomorrow will be a sad night for his base.
Turnout is king for the next 30 hours – Every single ballot will count in this race. Remember the primary, when Gina Driscoll won by just 2 votes in District 6? And Kriseman won by just 70 votes citywide? It’s all about turnout at this point. Whoever collects the most ballots WILL BE our next Mayor.